My name is Charles Specht (http://www.charlesspecht.com) and I can finally say that I’m a published author. My first book, Revealed: God’s Will For Your Life, was traditionally published in 2013.
I initially created GodlyWriters.com because, even though I had finished writing that manuscript, I really didn’t know what to do next. Then, just two weeks later, I signed my first contract with a traditional publisher! Today, GodlyWriters.com exists for you, the writer. We’re here to guide, encourage and teach other aspiring Christian authors about how to get published and glorify Christ through their writing ministries.
What I plan to share here is my own experience through it all. The up’s and the down’s in the life of a Christian writer/author. The good times and the bad, if you will. But other writers, agents and publishers are going to help you as well. Besides my own experiences, there will be plenty of Contributing Writers who will provide tips, training, resources, and guidance along the way. You see, this website is going to be a “show me, don’t just tell me” kind of site. And so we need to hear about your journey as well.
My prayerful goal is that what gets published on this website (by both myself and other fine guests) will be profoundly useful to you in your own process of digesting this immense publishing industry. We plan to provide content from a Christian writer’s perspective and I hope that other Christian writers, like yourself, will be blessed, encouraged, and educated by what they find here.